Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I Need A Cookie

I just caught a whiff of something tantalizing and totally imaginary: a peanut butter cookie. There are no peanut butter cookies in this house, and yet I could have sworn that I smelled something like it.

I need a peanut butter cookie. :( I made some very good ones using chocolate cake mix. They stayed chewy forever. Well, you know, until I ate them all...


Rose Marchen said...

Ooh! Chocolate cake mix? How did you do that? Is there a recipe you used, or was it improvised? Please share!!!!

The Real Katie said...

Awww great. Now I'm craving a peanut butter cookie. :p thanks. :D

but i did get (box made) brownies. so i got my sugar for the day. ;)

Emmy Marie-Therese said...

Shh! Don't make me think of the yummy-ness that are peanut butter cookies.

And, I could've sworn that my Jack in the Box chicken sandwich had a hint of peanut butter. Seriously. It smelled and tasted as if they'd made it in peanut oil.

Maybe it's a conspiracy?

Anonymous said...

Lol, my mum happens to be making peanut butter cookies at this very moment. And I just had a bite of dough (before she chased me out of the kitchen) and it was--it was--

*considers rubbing it in and decides to be nice...ish*

Poor dear. I weep with you over this tragedy. :(

Rebecca Joy said...

That happens to me a lot - I think I smell/taste something totally random, and then I start craving it... like recently, when I thought I smelled a mango. *drool*

Kristen said...

*gives Delaney some cookies* Are you entering the Cookie/Candy Halloween contest or any of the other contests?

Congratulations on getting the part of Mrs. Paroo!

Delaney said...

Lady Merilwen who was formerly Lady Rose and who confused me rather ;) - Yes, it was a recipe. I was the only one who liked it, so I ate pretty much all of them. Hehe. :D I'll see if I can get the recipe up here on my blog sometime.

Miss C.N.W. - EWWW! Ok, that sounds weird. Random: Sometimes I think dust smells like peanut butter.

@The Real Katie - Brownies, yum. :)

@Rebecca Joy - Mango! Yum!

@Owan - Thanks. :D

Kristen said...

*waits for Delaney to answer the question* Are you entering any of NarniaWeb's Halloween Contests?

Delaney said...

Sorry Owan! I remembered you asked that question at like, midnight when I was supposed to be asleep. I always remember the things I haven't done just then. :P No, I'm not going to. I don't have any costuming, candy/cooking-making, or pumpkin-carving talents, but I'm really excited to see more of the entries. :D 'Specially the pumpkins.

Kristen said...

I sometimes remember things like that too, but you seem more prone to it. :P

I won't try to presuade you that you have such talents; I don't have them either. :P

Holly said...

:They stayed chewy forever. Well, you know, until I ate them all...:
Haha! :)

Cookies made with cake mix, that's an interesting idea. I'm going to have to see what I can find out about that recipe.

Hannah Liz said...

HAHA! I know how that is! Hey I just made some chocolate chip oatmeal cookies! Want some?
-Lizzy :)

Anonymous said...

Hi! This is Lady Olivia from Gibson Girls. :D I love your blog!

Now I'm going to always think of you when I make peanut butter cookies. :P

Anonymous said...

Ooh, yum, peanut butter cookies sounds so good! And chocolate cake mix? Be sure to send some to me next time you make them. ;)

BTW, I tagged you at my blog! I hope you haven't done it yet, but check it out! :D