Saturday, February 7, 2009

Snowy Saturday

It's snowing - great big, whirling, puffy snowflakes. Not those skinny, close-together, nearly invisible pieces of ice that we usually get.

Since the end of The Music Man (*sniff*) I've had a lot of time for reading. So now I'm reading Wuthering Heights, which is the perfect book for February. Surprisingly, after all the negative things I had heard about the book, I am really liking it. I'm less than halfway through, however, so we'll see. I'm also re-reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire for the first time in over three years. I still like it, but it's not worth staying up to the small hours of the morning with a flashlight anymore. (Not that I ever did that with that one... but I can't remember).

My mother made blueberry muffins this morning. Yum. :)

The Twelfth Night auditions is this afternoon! Send up a prayer for me... I'm starting to get a bit nervous.


Rose Marchen said...


Wow, you have snow... and ours is rapidly disappearing! 60 degrees outside!
(The only reason I'm inside is because it's muddy and I should be in the shower right now. I'm not, obviously. Bad me. ;) )

Emmy Marie-Therese said...

Yeah, I didn't make it through Wuthering Heights. I'll give it another try next time I have spare time to read for fun. Have you seen the BBC version of this on PBS? I've been airing it for the last couple of weeks.

Delaney said...

Miss C.N.W. - No, we don't have television. :( But I'll probably look into it or another adaptation after I finish the book.

Erin said...

I just caught up on your blog, I was behind about two months' worth, but I wanted to say I'm SO GLAD The Music Man went so wonderfully! I wish I could've seen it!

I'm also very very curious as to how Twelfth Night auditions went...