Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Bonita Granville as Nancy Drew

Today I'm going to talk about the Nancy Drew movies. Not that new Emma Roberts movie that came out last year: that was cute, but nothing near so cute as Bonita Granville.

Isn't she adorable? When my grandpa got out the Nancy Drew movies from the 30's that he had taped, I was an 11-year-old Nancy Drew book purist. "That's Nancy!?" I exclaimed, "It can't be! She's bouncy and... blonde!" And adorable! It's been a long time since I've said that I love the Nancy Drew books, but I do love these Nancy Drew movies. I even love the changes they made (changing Ned Nickerson to Ted Nickerson, for instance. Ned sounds oily.)

One of the movies shares a title and part of a plot with the book Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase, and the movie Nancy Drew, Detective is based off the Nancy Drew book Password to Larkspur Lane. Today I have, off of YouTube, one of the four movies: Nancy Drew, Reporter. It's not my favorite, but it was all I could find. If you have Netflix, look for all four movies in a two-disc set. My favorite is Nancy Drew, Troubleshooter. You don't have to like it, or even watch it. If you like 30's movies, 30's dialogue, costumes, etc. you'll probably like it. :)

Part One:

Part Two:

Part Three:

Part Four:

Part Five:

Part Six:

Part Seven:


Courtney said...

i love the oldies, especially with Nancy Drew! i first saw them on Turner Classic Movies on tv one night! she is so adorable and makes a wonderful Nancy! it's nice to know i'm not the only one who shares this fondness. :)

Marian Heart said...

What a coincidence! I just discovered your blog today as well. Though I suppose it's not so coincidental as it appears, considering we both discovered each other's blogs through the same forum. ;)
I love your Shakespeare blog in particular. I have to admit, up until recently, I was not a big fan of Shakespeare, so I'll be visiting your blog a great deal.

Ave Maria!