I'm super excited about Elenatintil's latest film project, and the update blog for the movie can finally officially go on my blogroll.
The Shadow of the Bear: The Movie
I'm really really excited about it. I try to control myself a little bit on the internet, but I'm very really very really excited. ;)
I bought Into the Wild by Sarah Beth Durst (to say nothing of Manalive by G.K. Chesterton - a hearty "huzzah!") today, and I really liked it. I hope to write a review of it sometime this coming week, but I shall make no promises.
I just had a sort of realization about the play King Lear, which I have been discussing with Alyosha. I'll just write what I said to her:
"I think in the scene just before [Lear and Cordelia are] taken away [to prison] is the only time when God's name is used as God, and not gods and goddesses, which are called upon, spoken to, talk about, and prayed to many times throughout the play."
I could be wrong, but it seems an interesting fact, since Lear is saying to his daughter that they will "live,
And pray, and sing, and tell old tales, and laugh
At gilded butterflies, and hear poor rogues
Talk of court news; and we’ll talk with them too," in prison, and then says, "And take upon’s the mystery of things, as if we were God’s spies" In other parts of the play that would be worded, "the spies of the gods." It might merely have to do with syllables and lines or something like that, but it's still interesting.
Speaking of Shakespeare: For my performance as "the person who comes out at the end to report that 'that guy' is coming," I am famous! There was a kid at one of our home-schooling group's Park Day (in another town) who was discussing "the Shakespeare festival." "Oh, where?" I asked. "[Town Name]" "I was in that!" And then he said, yeah, I was the person who comes out at the end, et cetera. "Did you also see You Can't Take It With You?" I asked, beginning to recognize him. "Yeah, I sat right next to you." Oh, yeah. He had this absolutely adorable little sister, and during an intermission she came up to him to ask him to open a bag of chips, and I asked if she was his sister. Life's funny. I saw their family three times on that weekend they were in town (You Can't Take It With You, my church, and Comedy of Errors) and never expected to see them again. Yes, life's funny and I'm "famous!" ;)
I think this is all I have to say. No, wait! My sister and brother have their first soccer games tomorrow! That's kind of exciting, because I actually want to see them. My sisters because she's really great. You should see her when she gets the opposing teams' legs all tangled up. And my brother's because he's four and none of the kids know the rules of soccer or have had any practice. How adorable. :D
"The Song of the Fay" Sequel is here at last!
2 months ago
Hey! Like your blog :) That's so cool that there's going to be a movie based on "The Shadow of the Bear"!! That's one of my most favorite books.
I'm imagining your young sister more and more as Jane Penderwick...
*is equally excited about SOTB, well, not equally because that would be nigh impossible, but nearly*
It bugs me how the best books of a series are always the last to be made into movies!
...Oh well.
Hm, that is an interesting observation about God vs. gods. That one "God" didn't stick out of all the old British paganism to me when I read it. Too bad, I'd like to hear what a prof/teacher would have to say about it.
And that ^ is a perfect name for it! I watched my little cousin (four or five) in a soccer game once, so I know exactly what you are talking about.
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